Saturday, 7 May 2016

Spring clean your health

Happy days are here again, as spring finally decides to show up. 
It hasn’t been the greatest start to the spring season. We have had rain, dusting of snow, hail stones, thunderous storms, and icy blast in one week. This makes one wonders what we ever did to nature, to deserve a weather like what we have had.

The sun is finally here, today was a very mild day, I had short sleeves on and for the first time had no jacket. I noticed a few people clearing out their garden, and washing the patio.
Spring cleaning is a term we are familiar with, getting the hoover out, airing the cupboards, and cutting the grass. How about going a step further and spring clean your healthy habits?

today's article provides tips on how we can get ready for spring without feeling the strain of too much pina colada and ice lollies. Personally I have increased my activity levels because I know that I cannot always say no to that extra helping of BBQ chicken. 

Here are 9 sure ways to ensure that your body keeps working throughout Spring and well into summer.

1. Embark on a mini detox:
By doing this, I am able to clean out my gut, and bowels to  ensure that my body is in the right shape. I am easily bolted, so detoxing takes care of that. I completed my 9 days detox last, See the article here: How I lost 5kg in 9 days.

2. Take up a dance class: 
It may be too warm to be stuck indoors on gym treadmill, why not make your work out exciting by joining a dance class. A recent research from the University of Brighton suggests that as well as being great at burning calories, dancing can help to improve emotional wellbeing and reduce fatigue. Choose whatever works for you, street dance, ballet, contemporary, etc. You will be amazed how much lighter and happier you become from dancing. 

3. Explore with seasonal Vegetables:
I am sure you have heard it a 1000 time, having 5 potions of     fruits and vegetables helps fights diseases. Now is a good time to whizzed up some yummy salads, use seasonal vegetables from your local famers. Local vegetables are fresher and taste better as they have not travelled thousands of miles to get to you.

4. Venture Outside:
Take your exercise outdoor, make the most of the lighter evenings and avoid sitting in front of the TV after supper. Boost your fitness level by walking briskly, jogging, running,  cycling or swimming. 

5. Boost your mood:
If you have been suffering from low mood and depression brought on by the winter weather, boost your level of feel good hormones by eating oily  fish such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon. This is because they contain the feel good hormones serotonin. If you do not like fish get a good omega 3 supplement. Why not try the Artic Sea Omega 3 supplement

6. Improve your skin's health: 
Having the heating on during winter, leaves the skin dry and dehydrated. this leaves the skin looking dull.  To bring back your skin's natural glow, begin a cleansing routine.  Deep cleanse daily before bed and finished up with a light moisturiser. This restores the radiance lost from dryness.    Moisturiser stimulates skin growth. Choose a  vitamins E base moisturiser. The Sonya Skin Care Range of anti - aging moisturiser is packed with anti-inflammatory agents and white tea extracts which protects the skin from the early spring sunshine.

7. Avoid crack lips:
Long period of exposure to the cold often results cracked and sore lips . Get a good lip balm rich in moisture which both conditions and stops cracking. I will recommend the Aloe Lip Balm which also doubles as a soothing balm from insect bites. 

8. Spring clear out:
Make some space in your house. Clear out old letters, bills, wardrobe, which is overflowing. Clutter created energy, after the harsh winter months decluttering may revive your spirit.

9. Take a Daily Supplement:
The article "should we, should we not?", gives details on how taking a daily supplement helps the body fights up diseases, With the on set of spring comes allergies. the bee Pollen is known to help fight allergies.

10. Dental check up:
it is recommended that we have a check up at least every two years, that is if your teeth are healthy. there is no one size fits all. Your Dentist will tell you when to have your next check up. Our dental hygiene plays a major part in early diagnosis of oral cancer. Oral cancer currently kills more people in the UK than cervical and testicular cancer combined. Get checked up and always use a good tooth paste, I recommend The Forever Bright Tooth Gel 
11. Drink up: Health experts recommends that we should drink 6-8 glasses of water. This is because water helps keeps us  hydrated. 

Spring cleaning is necessary, incorporating these tips into your life may just be the boost you need to bring back the spring into your health.

As always, we will love to hear from you. if you have found this article of any benefit to you, leave us a comment, share with your circle.

Sources: NHS Choice.

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