
11g of kale provides 5.9mg per 100g of beta-carotene, the same amount of sweet potato with the skin will give you 8.5mg..
Blueberries are known for their antioxidant content,: “They are a very good source of only a handful of vitamins and minerals, vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese. Die hards fans of blueberries, claim they can help protect against heart disease and some cancers. As well as improve memory. There isn't enough hard evidence on their ability to ward off disease in humans as claimed.
These are high in antioxidants food, they are also good source of vitamin C, they contain manganese, folate, potassium, B vitamins and flavonoids, Quercetin and kaempferol.
A 200g portion of cooked quinoa contains a high 8gs of protein as well as B vitamins, iron and zinc. As good as the food group, there is little evidence to support the claims that it can help prevent or manage medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or coeliac disease.”
Coconut water.
I grew up drinking this water, whenever a coconut is cracked, we fight for the right to drink the precious juice contained within. Till date, I still prefer the natural water from fresh coconut than the bottled alternatives we now see on our food shelves.
Some claim coconut water is more hydrating than tap or bottled water after exercise because it is high in natural sugars and electrolytes. But a 2012 study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition and performed on 12 men, who drank bottled water, pure coconut water, distilled coconut water and an electrolyte-based sports drink after 60-minute bouts on the treadmill, found they were adequately rehydrated by all four drinks – but the ones drinking coconut water reported more bloating. That suggests coconut water may be as good as, but not better than, water at rehydration.
This is another fruit I loved eating growing up, I still love them and never have a salad without avocado. It is contains large amounts of fibre, vitamin C and monounsaturated good fats helpful in controlling cholesterol and diabetes.
for similar article see skin food.
for similar article see skin food.
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